OLYN (Reopening Procedures)

Procedures for Worshiping in-person at the building

While continuing to respect the need to worship from home via live-stream, we are excited to welcome those members ready to worship in-person back to the building. 

Because we cannot currently sing in the building and to meet the needs of both those at-home and in-person as well as accommodate technology limitations, we will separate the service into two portions.  We will Worship in Song via live-stream 9:15-9:45 then Worship in Word in-person or live-stream at 10:30.

For those of you worshiping in-person, we know you have a lot of questions about how we’re handling Covid-19 procedures. Please read through the following document, it will likely answer your questions and you’ll know what to expect and be prepared for a special time together.

We are committed to following the Industry Guidelines for Places of Worship as put out by the State of California. We are doing our best to comply with procedures in order to provide as safe an environment for worship as possible.

Before You Come...
  • Ask yourself if you have any cold or flu symptoms, if you do, please stay home
  • Gather your mask (We will have masks available if you forget)
  • Bring your own water
  • Allow yourself extra time (It will take some time getting everyone into the building and seated)

After you park your car…
  • Enter at the 3rd St. entrance
  • You will see Covid-19 signs everywhere
  • You will see Social Distancing markers
  • Your name will be written down for the purposes of contact tracing as well as tracking how many people are in the building (We have a limited number of seats, however, we believe we can accommodate all who want to be there)
  • If we run out of seats in the sanctuary/overflow you will have the option of watching the live stream from the downstairs social hall or returning home to watch the live stream there
  • You will be asked if you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath out of the ordinary for you
  • You will be asked to use the hand sanitizer provided or to wash your hands with soap immediately before being seated
  • Your temperature will be taken with a touch-less thermometer, individuals with temperatures of 100.4 or higher are considered to have a fever and will not be able to be in the building that day
  • You will be asked to put a mask on
  • Bring your own mask or 
  • We have masks available
  • Gloves will be available for your convenience, but you do not have to wear gloves
  • Exemptions from mandatory face coverings are: Children under 2, persons with medical conditions in which face covering causes obstruction to breath, mental health or disability, anyone who cannot remove their own face covering, the hearing impaired or individual communicating with the hearing impaired when mouths need to be seen

Entering the building…
  • You need to wear your mask while entering and exiting the building and anytime you’re not seated
  • You will be ushered to your seat
  • The seating has been marked to accommodate social distancing
  • Once you’re seated you may remove your mask
  • Please remain in your seat unless using the restroom

Leaving the building...
  • Please wait for an usher to dismiss you before standing and leaving your seat
  • Please put your mask on while leaving the building
  • Once outside, please remain socially distanced

Using the Restroom…
  • There will be a bathroom attendant
  • Only one person at a time per bathroom, to maintain social distancing
  • You will be directed towards clean stalls
  • Stalls will be disinfected between users

During Service…
  • There is no singing during the in-person service at this time, church members are encouraged to participate in the Worship in Song service at 9:15 via live-stream.
  • Doors to the outside will remain open
  • A team member will disinfect handrails
  • The lift will be open (You must wear mask while using the lift)

After Service...
  • Team members will disinfect seats
  • Team members will disinfect hand rails
  • Team members will disinfect bathrooms
  • Team members will disinfect high touch items/areas
  • We will have our normal weekly cleaning

Not Available...
  • There are no children's services available at this time
  • There is no Sunday School at this time (there are many Bible Study opportunities on Google Meets)
  • There will be no access to the kitchen
  • We will have bottled water available upon request (downstairs by the bathroom monitor)

Handling an Outbreak...
In the unfortunate event someone in the congregation, who has been in the building, should have a positive test for Covid-19, the church will follow the guidelines as issued by the State of California.

  • If you test positive for Covid-19 and were in the church building, please notify Daniella Butler 303-880-9036, Neil Donoghue 707-631-2072, or Dustin Butler 303-906-8989
  • The church will notify Solano Public Health Administration and follow their procedures
  • Identity of infected individual will remain confidential
  • Communication with Solano Public Health Administration will remain confidential
  • Identify close contacts of infected person (Close Contacts are defined as someone who spent 15 minutes or more within 6 feet of an individual with Covid-19 infection during their infectious period, which includes, at a minimum, the 48 hours before the individual developed symptoms (CDPH Workplace Outbreak Employer Guidance) and inform them of Solano Public Health Administrations requirements, possibly quarantine for 14 days and be tested
Please note, if individuals are following the safety protocols put forth by this document, there is no scenario where anyone would be within 6 feet of another person for 15 minutes, there should never be a “close contact” in the Windborn Church building.

  • Inform church of possible exposure and procedures for moving forward based on communication with Solano Public Health Administration
  • Possibly close the building temporarily based on communication with Solano Public Health Administration
  • Perform a deep/enhanced cleaning and disinfection and more frequent cleaning and disinfection based on the CDPH Workplace Outbreak Employer Guidance
  • Communicate with infected individual and church members as to when they can come back to the building

Chain of Command...
  • Ideas, question, suggestions, comments and complaints concerning the service/live stream talk to Dustin Butler 303-906-8989
  • Ideas, questions, suggestions, comments and complaints concerning use of the building/cleaning/Covid 19 procedures talk to Daniella Butler 303-880-9036
  • If you don’t like what Daniella says, talk to Neil Donoghue 707-631-2072
  • Please don’t hassle volunteers, they’re only doing what they’ve been asked to do, they’re giving their time and energy for you to be in the building, so let’s treat them kindly

We Humbly ask for your cooperation as we worship in the building. We count it a privilege to be able to worship Jesus together. We also recognize the tremendous amount of work that many people have put into making this possible. 

Please don’t move, re-position or otherwise “help” with Covid-19 procedures or set-up. This is a highly detailed plan and even small, seemingly insignificant, changes can throw the whole thing into chaos. If you have an idea to make something better, we’d love to hear it, but please ask before acting. Thank You!
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